Esas No: 2012/15330
Karar No: 2015/865
Karar Tarihi: 21.01.2015
Yağma - Yargıtay 6. Ceza Dairesi 2012/15330 Esas 2015/865 Karar Sayılı İlamı
Aggravated felony charges were brought against the defendant for robbery. The court proceedings aim to reveal the factual truth, which can be achieved through evidence. Evidence comprises sincere statements, witness accounts, testimony from individuals other than the defendant or witness, written statements, audio and visual records, and traces left at the crime scene. All forms of evidence are equivalent. The judge determines the validity of a witness's account based on their experience, and their account's significance in revealing material events. The judge's decision must be logical, chronological, and set out the argument, defense, evidence, and its interpretation, as well as the violated law and reached verdict. The reliability of a witness's testimony is different from the strength of the evidence based on that testimony. The judge evaluates the validity of the witness's statement based on the laws of logic. The case was ultimately overturned due to incomplete examination, as the court did not properly explain why they rejected the witness accounts. The defendant had previously been sentenced, based on TCK's (Turkish Penal Code) 456/2, 457/1, 51/1, and 59 articles to 1 year and 8 months imprisonment for injuring the plaintiff with a knife without provocation, according to the 2007/1206 case record and 2009/668 verdict.
The TCK articles mentioned:
-456/2: If an individual is intentionally exposed to an incapacitating substance, the perpetrator will be punished with the same penalty as for aggravated assault
-457/1: If an individual causes moderate harm to another person, the perpetrator shall be punished with incarceration of three months to two years.
-51/1: In instances of multiple crimes, the perpetrator shall be sentenced for the most severe of them.
-59: The judge may reduce the sentence if the perpetrator is remorseful and pursues concrete goals for societal improvement.
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