Esas No: 2015/11654
Karar No: 2016/4625
Yargıtay 21. Hukuk Dairesi 2015/11654 Esas 2016/4625 Karar Sayılı İlamı
Davacı, ex-husband’s pension while receiving a pension from his deceased father at the same time. The court rejected the request for the reasons mentioned in the decision. However, the decision was appealed by the plaintiff's lawyer and the Supreme Court concluded that it was a possible case and needed further investigation. The court cited the provision of 1479 Law which states that pensions granted to daughters of insured persons will be terminated when they start to work or get married. If the reasons for the termination of the pension disappear, the pension will start to be paid again from the date of payment of the current pension. However, daughters who are entitled to more than one pension due to the end of marriage are paid the higher amount. The case was sent back for further investigation.
1479 Law, Article 46/...: Pensions granted to daughters of insured individuals are terminated when they start to work or get married, and these reasons are removed, the pension is paid again from the payment date of the current pension, taking into account the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 45 of this Law. However, the excess of these pensions is paid to the daughters who are entitled to these pensions due to the end of marriage.
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