Esas No: 2014/2262
Karar No: 2014/9675
Karar Tarihi: 02.06.2014
Yargıtay 18. Hukuk Dairesi 2014/2262 Esas 2014/9675 Karar Sayılı İlamı
In the case, the plaintiff requested the determination of the expropriation price and registration of the immovable property on behalf of the administration, according to the provisions of the Expropriation Law. The court accepted the claim, but the plaintiff's lawyer appealed the decision. The Supreme Court rejected all objections to the decision. However, the Constitutional Court ruled that in an expropriation price determination lawsuit, if a long-lasting trial leads to a verdict being issued for the amount determined at the date of the lawsuit, then this violates the right of property guaranteed by the Constitution. The legislator considered this infringement and stipulated a provision that states that if the lawsuit for expropriation price determination and registration is not concluded within four months, interest will be applied after the end of this period. Even though this interest provision applies to cases filed after the enactment date, considering the reason mentioned above and the Constitutional Court's verdict on exceeding a reasonable duration for trials, the Supreme Court decided that this interest provision should also be applied to cases filed before the enactment date. Therefore, it was found that the expropriation price determined should be decreased by the price paid by the administration and the remaining amount should be subject to interest from four months after the lawsuit filing date until the court's decision date. The legal basis for this decision was the Expropriation Law No. 4650, the same law amended by Law No. 6459, and the temporary provision No. 3 added to the Turkish Code of Civil Procedure No. 6100 by Law No. 6217.
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