Esas No: 2013/4559
Karar No: 2013/4033
Karar Tarihi: 25.02.2012
Hırsızlık - Yargıtay 13. Ceza Dairesi 2013/4559 Esas 2013/4033 Karar Sayılı İlamı
A criminal court found the defendant guilty of theft and sentenced them accordingly. However, upon review, it was determined that the statute of limitations had expired for the crime in question. As a result, the ruling was overturned and the case was dismissed. The relevant laws involved in this case are 5237 TCK articles 66/1-e, 66/2, and 67/4, which govern the calculation of penalties for theft-related offenses, and 1412 CMUK article 322, which provides the legal basis for dismissing cases when appropriate.