Esas No: 2019/10883
Karar No: 2021/5862
Karar Tarihi: 15.09.2021
Taksirle yaralama - Yargıtay 12. Ceza Dairesi 2019/10883 Esas 2021/5862 Karar Sayılı İlamı
An Asliye Ceza Mahkemesi has sentenced the defendant for unintentional injury, in accordance with Articles 89/1-2-d, 62/1, and 52/2-4 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK). The defendant appealed the verdict. The court found that the defendant was charged with the crime of \"unintentional injury\" as regulated in Articles 89/1-2-3 of TCK. The court ruled that the punishment for a person who causes injury unintentionally will be a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine, as specified in Article 89/1 of TCK. The court cited Article 251/1 of the Turkish Code of Criminal Procedure (CMK), which allows for a simplified trial procedure for crimes that require fines or imprisonment of less than two years. However, the court noted that the provision to apply the simplified trial procedure has been limited by Law No. 7188, and not applicable for cases initiated after 01/01/2020. Nonetheless, two judgments by the Constitutional Court declared that the provisions relating to \"simplified trial procedure\" was unconstitutional. Therefore, the courts should reconsider the cases in which a simplified trial procedure was applied. The court allowed the defendant's appeal on these grounds and held that the judgment should be vacated without consideration of other issues. The relevant law provisions are Articles 7 of TCK and 251/3 of the CMK, which provide for reductions in punishment and simplified trial procedures, respectively.
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