The 5607 law, as amended by the 7242 law, provides for the application of \"effective regret\" provisions during the prosecution phase. The court needs to investigate whether the necessary conditions for its application are met. Additionally, the 5th article of the 5607 law is amended to include the provision for \"effective regret\" provisions in the prosecution phase. The 321st article of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1412 and the 8/1st article of the 5320 are the applicable laws in this case." href="ictihatdetay-16988-19cezadairesi-Yargitay-19-Ceza-Dairesi-2019-18456-Esas-2020-14257-Karar-Sayili-Ilami.html">5607 Sayılı Kanuna Aykırılık - Yargıtay 19. Ceza Dairesi 2019/18456 Esas 2020/14257 Karar Sayılı İlamı ÖZET!
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